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Club 50's annual May meeting was held Sunday, July 14 at Warren's Ale House in Wheaton. Our Vice President, Joe Strzelecki, set up the event, including a wide range of menu selections for attendees.

Joe S. chaired the nominating committee (Joe,Craig Rawlison & Mike Halloran) and after asking if there were any nominations from the floor, presented the recommended slate of candidates to fill the expiring terms of board positions held by Secretary Fred Sherwood, Treasurer Carol Hynes and President Jerry Prochaska. These incumbents had agreed to run for the board of directors again (3 year terms)

What a surprise! With no other candidates, practically before Joe could conduct the vote, there was a loud confirmation that Carol, Fred and Jer had been unanimously supported by attending membership.
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Published On 3/22/2023
Club 50 has a flash trip list for skiing and one for hiking/biking. A detailed email describing each flash trip list, how to get on either list and how to instigate a flash trip was sent to you a while back. You don’t remember getting that email? Contact Josh through
The team of Josh Kiem and Earl Lemberger have a pretty good record going – six attempted flash trips with four successful ones. Successful means adequate snow and people to ski. Josh is the one who sends out the flash notices to those on the flash list, and Earl is the point man who gets everyone together for a spontaneous day of skiing and lunch at Wilmot. Many thanks to both!
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Joe Strzelecki volunteered to give Club 50 a Facebook presence ̶ a private page for all of us with a Facebook account to post photos and comments and also a public page to advertise Club 50 to those over 50 years of age looking for an active sports life. Joe has volunteered to be the administrator of both.

Look for us at
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